
Scale of a pressure gauge


(JIS B 7505 quoted partially)

Scale of a pressure gauge is defined by followings.

1. Maximum Scale

Maximum scale of pressure part at pressure and compound gauges are specified by 1.0×10n,1.6×10n,2.5×10n,4.0×10n,6.0×10n
while that of vacuum-producing part at vacuum and compound gauges is -1.0×10n. (where, n: positive or negative integer, or zero)

2. Scale interval (Minimum scale value)

Scale interval of a pressure gauge is specified by 1×10n,2×10n,5×10n
(where, n: positive or negative integer, or zero) and its value stays close to tolerance and does not exceed 2-fold of it.
※Minimum scale value per device is calculated by the formula of "Maximum scale is divided by division number as shown in the following Table.

3. Division number

The number per device as shown in the following Table is specified by maximum scale, 1 above, scale interval, 2 also above, and accuracy class.

Device Max. Scale
(Mpa or kPa)
Accuracy Class
0.6 1.0 1.6 2.5 4.0
Pressure Gauge 1 x 10n 100 50 50 20 20
1.6 x 10n 160 80 32 32 16
2.5 x 10n 125 50 50 25 25
4 x 10n 200 80 40 20 20
6 x 10n 120 60 60 30 30
Vacuum Gauge -0.1 ~ 0 100 50 50 20 20
Compound Gauge -0.1 ~ 0.1 100 100 40 20 20
-0.1 ~ 0.16 130 52 52 26 26
-0.1 ~ 0.25 175 70 35 35 35
-0.1 ~ 0.4 100 50 50 25 25
-0.1 ~ 0.6 140 70 35 35 14
-0.1 ~ 1 110 55 55 22 22
-0.1 ~ 1.6 85 85 34 34 17
-0.1 ~ 2.5 130 52 52 26 26

We design, arrange and manufacture.

Pressure gauge, thermo sensors, thermometer,
and other related products.


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